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Common Reasons Lamps Stop Working

vintage lamp repair

When you have a vintage lamp with looks that are irreplaceable, it can be frustrating when it won't light up. Fortunately, most lamps can be repaired when they stop working. For the most part, there are just a handful of common reasons that lamps stop working. Let's dive in and learn how Phoenix Lighting Repair can get your lamp working again.

Switch Failure

One of the most common reasons vintage lamps stop working is a switch that has worn out. This holds true whether your lamp uses pull-chain switches, a rotating knob switch, or a push-button switch. Many switches have springs built into their mechanisms, which can break or become weak with usage. These switches are built into the socket itself, so a simple socket replacement is often all it takes to get things working again. Typically, this costs around $50 per fixture with parts and labor.

Socket Failure

Another common reason your lamp might not be lighting up is the socket has gone bad. This could be due to worn contact points, socket breakage, or switches that fail with time. To remedy the issue, we just need to find a socket that matches your preference of operation, such as pull-chain, push-button, or rotating knob. Also, you can choose between three-way operation or single operation. Keep in mind, if you're using an LED bulb, it might not work with a 3-way socket. You'll want to choose a dimmable LED for this use-case. Most times, a new socket for a lamp costs about $50 per fixture to replace.

Cord Failure

Cords for lamps can get damaged in all sorts of ways. From animals chewing on them, to furniture cutting them, to cracks from old age, lamp cords can become a problem that prevents your lamp from working. Thankfully, replacing the cord on a lamps is one of the easiest repairs. We simply disassemble the lamp, remove the old wire, and replace it with a new one. This will keep your vintage lamp working for years to come, and for only around $40 in most cases!

Lamp Repair Is Just A Phone Call Away

If you live within 30 minutes of Tempe, we'll come pick up your lamp for repair and drop it back off to you once it's finished. All you need to do is give us a call to schedule your repair! Call or text Justin at 480-604-3528 to get your lamp repaired in Phoenix.